Well, the last jam was on the summer solstice, and we celebrated with an abundance of hairy legs! Not just any hairy legs - but Bluegrass & Beyond pickin' hairy legs.
Ladies, you missed your chance - we had tall legs, short legs, skinny legs, fat legs, ugly legs and humbly speaking, of course - some pretty good lookin' ones (at least according to Tony, Bob and myself).
The extra ventilation seemed to help the music as well.
We started off with Jeanne and co-host Bill leading us in the "Pig Ankle Rag" - not your normal instrumental (nor body part, come to think of it).
Judy was well received by both the bar and the dart leaguers in the rear room - especially on her B.B. King blues' shouter.
Although, I was a little worried later when we forgot to do "Wagon Wheel" for the dart crowd - that I'd leave Paddy's looking like a pin cushion...
Outside of the normal fiddle tunes, bluegrass standards and pop classics, the highlight for me was the impromptu Beatles segment.
"I Saw Her Standing There" on the banjo was so well received by all, that immediately all thoughts turned Beatle (although, in fairness to Bob, he had done "Act Naturally" earlier, but I guess that counted as a Buck Owens tune...)
Kim's a veritable encyclopedia of interesting tunes - teaching us "Thing We Said Today" and "I Feel Fine" (a nice bluegrasser).
Bill kicked in "Drive My Car", and I picked up my banjo again for "Back In The U.S.S.R.".
By midnight, the hard core jammers were just settling in...
As I left I had two thoughts - "Does Scotty ever wear shorts?" and "I'm glad it wasn't a Pool Party Jam (B + B ers in Speedos?)".
See you next time (and ladies, save us, please - we need some better looking legs there!).
Dave Comins